News from buoy

Shouldn’t We Make Everything out of Stainless Steel? Uh… No! Part 2, Challenging the All-Stainless Vision

In the interest of giving readers the value of understanding both sides of this discussion [...]

The Joy of Being a Pro-Recycling Company in an Era of Recycling-Grift Cynicism

It is now common knowledge that plastic producers cynically pushed recycling as a way of [...]

Understanding Plastics for Humans, Installment 3: Endocrine Disruption or What Makes Plastic Toxic?

There’s an often repeated stat about microplastics that says we consume a credit card’s worth [...]

Understanding Plastics for Humans, Installment 2: What Are Polymers?

In installment one, here, we looked at how the processes of life and the characteristics [...]

Understanding Plastics for Humans, Installment 1: Life

Part of our mission at Buoy is to educate the public about the science and [...]