Category Archives: Understanding Plastics

Understanding Plastics for Humans, Installment 3: Endocrine Disruption or What Makes Plastic Toxic?

There’s an often repeated stat about microplastics that says we consume a credit card’s worth of plastic every week. You read other articlessaying that plastic is toxic. Both of these things can’t be true at the same time or we’d be dead. But there is truth in the claims about the endocrine effects of specific […]

Understanding Plastics for Humans, Installment 2: What Are Polymers?

In installment one, here, we looked at how the processes of life and the characteristics of geology work together to produce petroleum, pictured below. Petroleum / Oil To make chemicals, refineries break that big petroleum molecule down to more manageable building blocks. Two of the most important building blocks for plastics are Ethane and Propane. […]

Understanding Plastics for Humans, Installment 1: Life

buoy water bottle collection at the beach

Part of our mission at Buoy is to educate the public about the science and ecological impact of plastics, with the goal of giving people a way to navigate the good and the bad of plastics in their daily lives. In the course of answering people’s questions about why we’ve chosen to make our products […]